In that WotC's Starship conversion rules for WEG is just two steps away from useless, we now present an expanded version, with a step-by-step breakdown of the process. Hopefuly the end result will be more helpful than the published version. Share and enjoy!

Step 1: Deal with the stuff that carries over directly.
This step deals with all the stats that carry over exactly the same between both systems - cargo space, the cost of the ship, crew capacity and so on. Simply copy the information directly from one source to another.

These consist of -
Cargo Capacity
Hyperdrive Backup
Nav Computer
And under weapons - Fire Arc

The Size entry usually lists the meters of the ship after the WotC stat, so simply drop the tiny/small/medium and away you go. As you can see, that's about half the ship done - and we really haven't done any work yet. Now we move onto . . .

Step Two: Follow the Charts
Tables that can be read one way (from WEG into WotC) can also be read the other way (WotC into WEG). These stats consist of:

Shield Points
Hull Points
And under weapons - Damage

So, lets say we have a ship with 30 shield points and 90 hull points. If 1D shields turns into 30 shield points (D code times 3), then 30 shield points must turn into 1D of shields (shield points divided by 3). Simple, no?

Step Three: Guess!
Then - the last, most difficult step: Guesstimation. These last few stats don't have any direct formula for easy conversion, so I usually look at what other comparable ships have and give it my best guess.

Maximum Speed - use the ships that appear in both systems: X-Wings, TIE Fighters, YT-1300's, and so on as a vague idea what the converted ship might be capable of doing. For example - the Naboo N-1 starfighter has a Max speed of "Ramming", so we compare with other established small fighters to see what else has a ramming speed - like the X-Wing (8 Space Units) and the TIE (10 Space Units). That means that the N-1 has to be somewhere in that range of 8 to 10. The ship seemed kind of fast in the movie - but not quite TIE fighter level, so we'll go with a lower number: Space Units of 9.

DR - there is no counterpart game mechanic to this stat in the WEG system, so you can safely ignore this entry.

Defense - Close your eyes and pick a number - you'll probably be as right as I am. There is no easy mechanic or formula you can apply here. Just use the guideline of a bigger Defense number (minus size and armor) means more Maneuverability - and keep in mind what established ships are capable of.

Weapon - Attack bonus: Ignore the Size and Crew bonus, and use the Fire Control bonus as a benchmark. There doesn't seem to be a easy formula that can be applied here - so just go with a high Fire Control attack bonus (minus size and pilot bonus) means a higher Fire Control D code.

Weapon - Range modifiers - again, your best judgment. Look at the original stat, and try to use established ships as a benchmark. We all know what a X-Wing's Proton Torpedo launcher is capable of, so WotC torpedo ranges with the same numbers as a WotC X-Wing will probably be close enough for WEG purposes.

Step 4: adding in missing WEG game mechanics.
There are a couple of things that WotC doesn't cover that the GM has to remember to put back in:

Crew Skill
And of course don't forget the Sensors package.

Fortunately, these are relatively easy compared to some of the other WEG/WotC conversions. Any GM worth his salt should be able to plug in his favorite sensor suite and season to taste from this point.